Why & How Should You Choose a Locum Agency?

When looking for locum opportunities, healthcare providers have a lot of choices. While some providers work directly with facilities, others prefer to collaborate with healthcare staffing agencies. For that, they do a Google search by typing “healthcare staffing agency near me”.

Why work with an agency for locum physician?

Let's talk about why you might want to work with a locum physician staffing agency before we get into how to select one.

You can get your CV in front of hundreds of companies instead of just a few when you work with a staffing agency. Additionally, you have an "in-between" to assist you in navigating the complexities of each position. If you choose to work with an agency, you will always have someone working for you to help you get jobs and ensure their success.

Furthermore, they will probably facilitate all lodging and travel, offer medical malpractice insurance, as well as assist with negotiating assignment terms.

How many healthcare staffing agencies you can collaborate with?

When choosing an agency, many providers, who are new to locum work, wonder how many agencies they can work with. You can collaborate with as many agencies as you like, but you should probably stick with one or two. Working with too many staffing agencies at once can become confusing because you'll be working with different people from different agencies and arranging different work assignments at different times.

Are you authorized to work in the nations represented by the staffing agency?

To start with, you may need to apply for licenses in multiple states unless you are eligible for an Interstate Licensure Compact. If you want to work in multiple states across the United States, this can get expensive. If you're not sure which states you should work in, it might be a good idea to talk to colleagues who work as locum or staffing agencies like ProLocums who deal with locum physician recruitment. You could go one step further and contact the agencies that are advertising the jobs as well to learn more about what it's like to work in the area where the jobs are. It's also a good idea to do some old-fashioned internet browsing to figure out which places you like or don't.

Because locum staffing agencies typically collaborate with multiple states, you have numerous options for assignments.

How are you compensated?

Before accepting any assignment, you will get to know the pay rates through our dashboard. This is frequently set up through direct deposit, making it simple to get paid while you're on the move.

If you are an independent contractor, you should talk to an experienced accountant or financial advisor about the differences between filing taxes as a contractor and an employee on staff. For further details on this topic, ProLocums is here to help you.

How about travel and lodging?

This varies from one staffing agency to another, but typically the client or staffing agency will pay for your housing and travel. You may pay for housing or travel in some cases, but you will be reimbursed. The specifications of your housing and travel arrangements should be clearly explained to you by your staffing agency.

What are the requisites of a good staffing agency?

You will probably work with an agency from the list you get via Google search when you type “healthcare staffing agency near me”.

See whether you like the people you've talked to. Check if they respond to every one of your inquiries. Were they helpful and knowledgeable? Did you spot any warning signs?

You should ensure that the staffing agency has a stake in you as a person and not just in what you can do for their clients because they will be representing you to clients.

When you first meet an agency member, make sure to enquire regarding the typical procedure of how the agency helps. Look at their way of communication; you can decide whether or not you will be a good fit.

Do you want to know how ProLocums can help you advance your career as a contracted locum medical provider? Check our website for open assignments with all the required information (like pay). Contact our ProLocums team. We are here to deal with any issue you may have.

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