This job is presently inactive, however, we do have other opportunities available in your specialty. Please reach out to our recruiter, ProLocums Consultant, by phone (623) 692-4910 or via email at for further details on alternative positions.
Prefer providers that are easy to credential (limited work history and no malpractice).
Prefer regional, drive in candidates if possible. (**Search to Exclude within 30 mile radius)
Expect to need help for 2 - 3 months as we recruit 1 full-time provider.
ED volume - approx 18,774
24 hours of physician coverage; 7a-7p, 7p-7a
APP coverage 11a-9p daily
Admission rate - 8%
Transfer rate - 2.5%
AMA - 1.2%
EMS arrivals - 12.5%
Main ED work - acuity levels 2 - 5. (No Fast-Track)
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