Tips on Providing Feedback for Locum Job Assignments

The conclusion of the locum tenens contract holds equal importance to its initiation. Continuing communication with your consultant until the contract's end is crucial. As a provider, it is essential for you to provide feedback on your locum tenens assignments since recruiting consultants lack clinical experience. They hold no firsthand knowledge of working at the facility, but you do. Hence, they seek your input.

While consultants possess information regarding electronic medical records (EMR) and daily workload, they are eager to learn about your experience. Did the staff create a welcoming environment for you? Were you provided adequate guidance and support throughout your assignment? How was the onboarding process? Administrators provide consultants with details necessary for recruitment, but consultants also desire "hands-on" information about the facility that only working there can provide.

Unsure about which aspects to cover? Here are a few key points to discuss:

1. What is your impression of the healthcare facility?

While you may have been in contact with your consultant regularly throughout your assignment, the end of the contract gives you the opportunity to evaluate the entire experience.

Some questions to consider when reflecting on your experience are:

  1. What are your general impressions of the facility?
  2. Are there any specific complaints or grievances you have?
  3. What were the highlights or positive aspects of your assignment?
  4. What aspects did you particularly enjoy?
  5. Is there any possibility to improve care facility? If so, in what ways?
  6. Do they offer a medical service line?
  7. Would you consider returning to the facility for another assignment?

As soon as you honestly answer these questions, you pave the way for your consultant to achieve success by effectively matching health facilities with the most suitable locum providers. Consultants can make wise decisions about future placements by knowing how the facility operates. A facility with too much negative feedback may discourage them from working with it, but a facility with enough positive feedback will be a hot commodity for locum providers.

2. Your interactions with the staff

During your temporary stay at the facility, it is evident that you had interactions with the staff. Reflecting on your experience, how would you characterize them? Did you find them friendly, competitive, or self-centered?

In addition to personal interactions, it is important to evaluate how the staff treated their patients. Were they slow or efficient? Were they motivated or grumpy? Were they readily available? Were there accessible specialists? Did the facility offer sufficient resources? If you encountered any negative comments from the staff, especially regarding the facility's operations and administration, now is the opportunity to inform your consultant about them.

Please provide any information that could potentially impact a future locum provider's ability to deliver excellent patient care. It is also crucial to share your observations on caseloads, high-demand services, and any other noteworthy clinical specifics that should be shared.

3. Onboarding experience

Navigating a new space isn't always easy when going solo. Assess the onboarding process and training/orientation offerings at the facility. Did they make it simple to acclimate? What could be done better for future locums? Is there a department dedicated to onboarding and instruction? Asking these questions will assist your consultant in prepping other locums headed to the same place.

4. Specific feedback for your consultant

If you took a locum job assignment through a healthcare staffing agency such as ProLocums, you may have had an intimate relationship with a recruiting consultant throughout the pre-employment process and assignment. Your consultant likely helped you search for a position, submit credentialing or licensing paperwork, and organized your travel accommodations. Now is the chance to share your overall experience with us. How did they handle communications? Were all of your requirements met? Is there anything else that could improve your experience on future assignments? We value your honesty in this area; it's essential to learn how we can do better and provide better service.

Final Thoughts

In addition to helping your consultant understand the client's situation better, it also allows them to provide more information to other potential care providers. As we strive to achieve the highest level of service possible, we are grateful for the feedback we receive from our providers, including those who point out areas for improvement on our end. In case you need to provide any personal feedback or suggestions, get in touch with ProLocums, the best healthcare staffing agency in the U.S.

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