This job is presently inactive, however, we do have other opportunities available in your specialty. Please reach out to our recruiter, Nealynn Lucy, by phone (515) 745-2539 or via email at for further details on alternative positions.

Job Details

Start Date 08/01/2024

Monday thru Friday Operating Room hours: 7a-3p. During these hours the anesthesiologist will provide CRNA supervision as deemed appropriate and may be assigned to an OR room. On-Call/pager hours: 3p-7a. The anesthesiologist does not have to stay in-house during on-call hours, but must be able to arrive within 20 minutes. 

The anesthesiologist may need to provide services in relation to the following during the day and during call hours when applicable.

• Respond to Labor and Delivery needs including C Section and epidural needs.

• IR patient anesthesia care

• ICU-cardioversions and TEE

• Radiology sedation

• CT scan sedation

• Floor/ED IV starts-ultrasound

• ER Trauma coverage

• Sedation

• Intubation

• Central line placement or arterial

• Diagnostics

• Lumbar puncture

• Regional blocks completed in holding area/PACU

• Pre-Op clinic (5-10% of patients meet complex criteria due to Med Hx)

• Respond to Emergency Medical Responses as part of the Response Team Activation

ACT 10 is acceptable

Job Summary

Location Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Job Type Locum
Profession Physician
Board BC
Coverage Type Call + Clinic


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